Tuesday, 8 February 2011

A few things!

Well, things have gotten decidedly hectic at Château Sacré Coeur of late. I'm not complaining by any stretch of the imagination. It's awesome! It is, however, completely insane and has left me with more or less NO free time whatsoever!

As well as things becoming busier and more exciting in terms of Sacré Coeur itself, I have taken on an internship with Rachel Freire which is most excellent as it means I not only get to spend some time with *gasp* actual human beings outside of my own studio, but also that I get to work on some amazing projects and also learn new skills while I'm at it that I can hopefully apply to my own work in future :) So, I can now be found in London, working in Rachel's studio, a few days a week!

In other news, I am planning to release a couple of new cameo items soon including new ear jewellery and hair accessories so be sure to keep your eyes open for those. I will no doubt post pictures here when I have prototypes ready :) On top of this I have a whole new collection of leather collars, gloves and other accessories in the making so it really is non-stop!

And, finally, there's word of an event coming up in a couple of months that will see an array of my new designs on display alongside an exhibition of amazing artwork, a live band and various other attractions which is set to take place in London. Dates and specifics again, have yet to be confirmed but the very minute I know more and am able to give full details it will no doubt get a post all of its own! Exciting times! I'm so busy and excited about everything I might actually explode. That is if i don't fall asleep for a week first.

In the meantime, here... have a picture of a custom hair accessory set I did for one of my lovely customers last month :)


Unknown said...

The Rachel Freire Massiv LOVE Tea!! x

Jess Heath MUFX said...

Yay go you! Love that set too :D

Teayam Tasbihgou said...

Haha, I love you lot :D Can't believe i only just saw these! I thought i got notifications but apparently not :/ x