That leaves me wondering about this blog and what to do with it. I don't want it to sit here uninhabited & unloved, nor do I want to delete it... so I had an idea!
Many of my customers and friends that I have made throughout the course of running Sacré Coeur follow me on Twitter & Facebook and, as such, they get a small glimpse into the weird and wonderful stuff I get up to in my lab/studio. I thought I'd open this blog up to act as a window into the inner workings of Sacré Coeur HQ and show you some of the stuff I do in my spare time... mainly because I'm a complete geek and like to share these things where possible!
If there is a call for this sort of thing then you can expect to find a lot of insects both dead and alive, projects involving my hobbies (entomology, amateur horticulture, collection and preservation of natural specimens, taxidermy, the creatures I rear etc), private collections, artwork I am working on and other such stuff. So, what say you guys? Might this be something you'd be interested in seeing?
I shall leave you with a few photos of my personal collection of natural history paraphernalia and other misc bits and pieces to give you an idea of what I'm talking about!
Au revoir for now! x
Sounds like an awesome plan! Look forward to seeing the new site! :D
Beautiful collection. Where do you find most of these? ebay or markets?
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